1) Good and great are seldom in the same man。 美德与伟大不能兼得。
2) My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best。要求不高,只求最好。
3) If you are going through hell, keep going。如果你感觉自己在走过地狱。走着别停。
4) History will be kind to me for I intend to write it。历史对我不错,因为都是我写的。
5) To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often。欲求新,则求变。欲求完美,求常变。
6) We are all worms, But I do believe that I am a glow worm。我们都是小虫。但我是发着光的小虫。
7) Life is fraught with opportunities to keep your mouth shut。生命中你有许多机会闭紧嘴巴。
8) Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have。健康的公民是国家最大的财富。
9) Success always demands a greater effort。成功总需要更多努力。
10) Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference。态度决定一切。
1) Never, never, never give in!永不,永不,永不屈服。
2) A joke is a very serious thing。开玩笑是件严肃的事情。
3) The price of greatness is responsibility。伟大的代价是责任。
4) History is written by the victors。历史由胜者书写。
5) You don't make the poor richer by making the rich poorer。劫富无法济贫。
6) Doubts [can] be swept away only by deeds。怀疑只能由行动来回答。
7) Don't interrupt me while I'm interrupting。我打断你的时候不许打断我!
8) Difficulties mastered are opportunities won。你克服的困难就是你争来的机会。
9) Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it。不学习历史的人注定要重复错误。
10) Money is like manure, its only good if you spread it around。钱就像肥料,广施才有效。
11) You create your own universe as you go along。走着走着,你会创造属于自己的小宇宙。
12) We are waiting for the long-promised invasion。 So are the fishes。我们等待入侵很久了。鱼也是。
13) Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm。成功就是不断失败不失信心。
14) When you get a thing the way you want it, leave it alone。如果事情运转良好。让它转着。
15) When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite。 就算你要,礼貌也伤不着你。
16) We make a living by what we get。 We make a life by what we give。我们靠赚钱生存。我们靠给予生活。
17) No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism。最可怕的事情就是不容忍的乌托邦。
18) The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous。美德的软弱就是对邪恶的支援。
19) A small lie needs a bodyguard of bigger lies to protect it。一句谎话需要无数更大的谎话来遮掩。
20) it is the people who control the Government, not the Government the people。我们是主人,公仆是仆人。
1) I never worry about action, but only about inaction。我从不担心行动的危险,我更担心不行动的危险。
2) Although prepared for martyrdom, I prefer that it be postponed。虽然我准备好成仁了,但这事赶晚不赶早。
3) The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see。越是往后反省,越看得清前方。
4) Always remember, that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me。我欠酒多,酒欠我少。
5) He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire。 他的美德我都不喜欢。我喜欢的坏他也都没有。
6) There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result。世界上最刺激的事莫过于被打了一枪,子弹歪了。
7) A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject。神经病就是既不肯听劝又不肯换个话题。
8) My conclusion on Freewill and predestination- they are identical。我对自由意志和先验宿命的理解:它们是一样的。
9) An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last。求和者就是希望鳄鱼最后一个吃自己的人。
10) All of the great empires of the future will be empires of the mind。从今往后,所有的帝国都是思想的帝国。
11) Study history, study history。 In history lies all the secrets of statecraft。学历史,学历史。历史里藏着一切的智慧。
12) There is no time for ease and comfort。 It is the time to dare and endure。现在不是轻松舒适的时候。现在是大胆和忍耐的时候。
13) The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes。人生最重要的一课就是:傻子有时候也是对的。
14) We are still masters of our fate。We are still captains of our souls。我们仍然是我们命运的主人,我们仍然是我们灵魂的主宰。
15) We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out。我们是没说出的话的主人。我们是说出的话的努力。
16) However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results。不管战略多美妙,偶尔看看结果如何很重要。
17) Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all。 简短的词是最好的,又短又古老的词最最好。
18) This paper, by its very length, defends itself from ever being read。这份文件通过它的长度成功保卫了自己不被阅读的权利。
19) Personally, I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught。我时刻准备着学习,但是我不喜欢别人给我上课。
20) If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future。 如果我们让过去和现在争吵,我们将失去未来。
21) Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts。成功不要紧,失败不致命。继续前行的勇气,才最可贵。
22) It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required。仅仅做到我们的最好是不够的,有时候我们得达到要求。。
23) To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years。 To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day。破坏容易建设难。
24) We can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities。我们相信美国会做正确的事。当然,是在她尝尽其他一切可能之后。
25) Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary。 It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body。 It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things。忠言逆耳利于行。就像疼痛提醒你哪里病变一样。
26) The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; theinherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries。资本主义的邪恶在于不公平的幸福分配。涉汇煮意的美德在于公平享受痛苦。
27) We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle。一个通过征税求繁荣的国家就好像一个缩在桶里想把自己提起来的人。
28) When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the of my own country。 I make up for lost time when I come home。只要我人在国外,我绝不攻击本国的正辅。等回去我再补回来。
29) All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope伟大的事情总是简单,最伟大的事情只有一个词:自游,正义,荣誉,责任,仁慈,希望。
30) Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery。涉汇煮意是一种失败的哲学,无知的原则,嫉妒的教条。它的好处是能平等地分享痛苦。
31) The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong。世界历史可以这样 总结 :强国总行不义。等到他们醒悟了,他们不已经不再强了。
32) I felt as if I were walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial I thought I knew a good deal about it all, I was sure I should not fail。我感到自己在与命运同行。过去所有的生命不过为这一刻准备。我准备好了,我必将成功。
33) Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself。 Before you can move thier tears, your own must flow。 To convince them, you must yourself, believe。在以情动人前,你自己要先被打动。在你催人泪下前,你自己要热泪盈眶。在你以理服人前,你自己要坚信不疑。
34) Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.大家都爱言论自游。但有些人对言论自游的理解是,我想说就说,但你说我不喜欢的话就无法容忍。
35) Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential。无限的努力是打开潜能的关键---而不是实力与头脑。
36) If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law。如果你指定一万条规章,你就摧毁了所有对法律的尊重。
37) A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him。战俘就是那个杀你失败然后求你别杀他的人。
38) A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on。谎言环游全球的时候,真相还没穿好裤子。
39) Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip。圆滑就是能让人满怀憧憬的走向地狱。
40) For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use to be anything else。我本人是个乐观主义者,因为做别的貌似没什么用。
41) I am fond of pigs。 Dogs look up to us。 Cats look down on us。 Pigs treat us as equals。我喜欢猪。狗崇拜人类。猫鄙视人类。猪对我们一视同仁。
42) The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter。反对民煮最好的论据就是与一个普通选民五分钟的谈话。
43) There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true。世界上已经有太多谎言,不幸的是,它们一半都是真的。
44) You have enemies? Good。 That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life。你有敌人?很好。这说明在你的生命中的某个时刻,你曾经呐喊过。
45) They say that nobody is perfect。 Then they tell you practice makes perfect。 I wish they'd make up their minds。据说人无完人。又据说磨练出完美。你们对下词好吗?
46) If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons。如果入侵了地狱,我也会在议会里夸奖魔鬼几句。
47) I am ready to meet my Maker。 Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter。我准备好见上帝了。上帝准没准备好见我还很难说。
48) Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen。勇气是能站起来侃侃而谈。勇气也是能坐下来静静倾听。
49) A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty。悲观主义者在每个机会里看到困难。乐观主义者在每个困难里看到机会。
50) A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril。 热爱传统从来没有削弱过一个国家。传统就是生时刻用来救命的。
51) Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened。人经常被真相困扰。但是大多数人装作没看见就走了。
52) Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved。命运不靠机缘,而是靠你的抉择。命运不是等来的,而是争来的。
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威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare),1564年4月23日出生,编剧,主要作品《Enemy of Man》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《科里奥兰纳斯》。
1. 知过则改永远是不嫌迟的。莎士比亚经典语录
2. 最重要的是,你必须对自己忠实。——《哈姆雷特》
3. 美丽的事物是永恒的快乐,它的可爱日有增加,不会消逝而去。
4. 命运掌握在自己手里!如果受制于人那么错不在命运而在与我们自己!
5. 你若对自己诚实,日积月累,就无法对别人不忠了。
6. 千万人的失败,都有是失败在做事不彻底;往往做到离成功尚差一步就终止不做了。
7. 人的一生是短暂的,但如卑劣地过这一生,那就太长了。
8. 闪光的东西,并不都是金子,动听的语言,并不都是好话。——《威尼斯商人》
9. 生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。
10. 时光,凭你多狠,我的爱在我诗里将万古长青。
11. 世上之事物本无善恶之分,思想使然。——《哈姆雷特》
12. 甜里加甜,不见其甜;乐中加乐,才是大乐!
13. 我将世界当成这样一个世界看待,也就是每个人都必须独自演出一个角色的大舞台。
14. 我终于发现女人青春永驻的秘诀,那就是谎报年龄。
15. 心灵的伟大表现得并不明显。莎士比亚经典语录
16. 学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方才可以得益。
17. 一个人听朋友的忠告,只有幸福快活。——《维拉斯与阿都尼》
18. 脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!——《哈姆雷特》
19. 名称有什么关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。
20. 目眩时更要旋转,自己痛不欲生的悲伤,以别人的悲伤,就能够治愈!
21. 逆境和厄运自有妙处。
22. 勤劳一天,可得一日安眠;勤奋一生,可永远长眠。
23. 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。莎士比亚经典语录
24. 善良的人,你的欢欣的眼泪表明你心地真诚。
25. 生命短促,只有美德能将它留传到辽远的后世。——莎士比亚名言
26. 时间的无声的脚步,是不会因为我们有许多事情需要处理而稍停片刻的。
27. 适当的悲衰可以表示感情的深切,过度的伤心却可以证明智慧的欠缺。
28. 惟有埋头,才能出头,急于出人头地,除了自寻苦恼之外,不会真正得到什么。
29. 我所唯一引为骄傲的事,就是我有一颗不忘友情的灵魂。——《理查二世》
30. 无言的纯洁的天真,往往比说话更能打动人心。
31. 新的火焰可以把旧的火焰扑灭;大的苦痛可以使小的苦痛减轻。《罗密欧和朱丽叶》
32. 一个活生生的女人的意愿,却被过世的父亲的遗嘱所限。——《威尼斯商人》
33. 一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。
34. 衣服新的好,朋友旧的好。
35. 造物主给你美貌,也给你美好的德性;没有德性的美貌,是转瞬即逝的。
36. 自信是走向成功之路的第一步;缺乏自信是失败的主要原因。——莎士比亚语录
37. 每一个被束缚的奴隶都可以凭着他自己的手挣脱他的锁链。
38. 明枪好躲,暗箭难防,任是英雄好汉,也逃不过诡计阴谋。——《终成眷属》
39. 那些把嫉妒和邪恶作为营养的人,见了最好的人也敢去咬一口的。
40. 勤为无价宝,慎为护身术。莎士比亚名言
41. 世界上还没有一个方法,可以从一个人的脸上探察他的居心。——《麦克白》
42. 天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。——《哈姆雷特》
43. 我怀着比对我自己的生命更大的尊敬神圣和严肃,去爱国家的利益。
44. 我要千遍祷告让你,也不祈求一字救你命。——《一报还一报》
45. 希望在任何时候都是一种支撑生命的安全力量。
46. 喧哗与躁动没有任何意义。
47. 一个人思虑太多,就会失却做人的乐趣。莎士比亚的名言
48. 一切朋友都要得到他们忠贞的报酬,一切仇敌都要尝到他们罪恶的苦杯。
49. 有德的妇人,即使容貌丑陋,也是家庭的装饰。
50. 在命运的颠沛中,很容易看出一个人的气节。
9.爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 它又是最智慧的疯狂, 哽喉的苦味, 沁舌的蜜糖.
10.爱, 可以创造奇迹. 乔迈 被摧毁的爱, 一旦重新修建好, 就比原来更宏伟, 更美, 更顽强.
9.爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同语言的基础上的。 —— 莎士比亚语录
14.书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。 —— 莎士比亚语录
玛丽?居里因发现元素钋和镭再次获得诺贝尔化学奖,成为历史上第一个两辞获诺贝尔奖的人。下面我为大家带来居里夫人经典英文 名言 ,欢迎大家阅读!
science is the foundation of a healthy body。
miss the boat, the weak strong manufacturing time。
make life into a fantasy, fantasy into reality。
people will want to have patience, especially confidence。
people should have perseverance, otherwise will accomplish nothing。
nothing in life is to be feared。 it is only to be understood。
i am going to put life into scientific dream, then the dream into reality。
is more important than life, more of the motherland is our mother, our land。
we want to turn life into a scientific dream, then the dream into reality。
we poles, when the country was under slavery, is not entitled to leave his homeland。
honor is like toys, can play only, cannot keep it forever, otherwise will accomplish nothing。
if a person all the life interest based on that stormy emotional love, that is disappointing。
on the way to become famous, not sweat blood flow, their name is not a pen but written in life。
i have no sad for your life simple。 makes me feel sad is one day is too short, and goes by so fast。
exploration of the science and research, its itself contains to the united states, its own pleasure is to reward to the person。
居里夫人的英文 名言警句
humans also need dreamer, such people addicted to the development of an enterprise's selfless, so can't own material benefits。
i have never had a lucky, in the future will never depend on luck, my highest principle is: never surrender to any difficulty!
our life seems to be not easy, but that have what relation? we should have the perseverance, especially must have the self-confidence!
i thought people in each period can be interesting and useful life。 we should not wasted life, should be able to say: "i have done what i can do。"
invisible to the human world, is not a utopian mirage, but by science and the glory of the illuminate of actual existence。 noble is the power of science。
21、 体操 和音乐两个方面并重,才能够成为完全的人格。因为体操能锻炼身体,音乐可以陶冶精神。
gymnastics and the music two aspects pay equal attention to, to become a complete personality。 because of the gymnastics can exercise the body, music can edify spirit。
we have to diet, sleep, browse, in love, that is to say, we have to contact the sweetest thing in life, but we must not succumb to these things。
scientists bounden duty that we should continue to struggle, thoroughly reveals the mysteries of nature, master these secrets so as to benefit the human beings in the future。
exploration of the science and research, its itself contains to the united states, its itself give a person happy is to pay; so i got happiness in my job search。
we live a life happily every day, don't wait for the day in the past, to find out their lovely point, don't put all hope to have special purpose in the future。
if you can follow the ideal and life, in line with the spirit of freedom and courage of perseverance, honest, not deceived thoughts, is can into to the beauty to the good situation。
i think we should be in a kind of idealism in search of spiritual power, the idealism made us proud, and enables us to get our hopes and dreams to the noble realm。
humans also need rich ideal。 for such a person speaking, selflessly to develop a career is so charming, so that they can't go to care about their personal material interests。
i think, you must be from a kind of idealism to seek spiritual power。 in the case of not make us proud, this kind of idealism can get our hopes and wishes to rise to a very high level。
i believe that we should be in a kind of idealism to find spiritual strength, this kind of idealism to be able to make us proud, and can we put our hope and our dream very high。
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. (Marie Curie)
A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)
A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm. (C. M. Schwab)
One thing I know: The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. (A. Schweizer)
The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. (Goethe)
To live is to function. That is all there is in living. (Holmes)
Man can only be free through mastery of himself. ( S. E. Morison)
Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. (J. H. Newman)
Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation. ( C. Nepos)
When the fight begins within himself, a man's worth something. ( R. Browning)
There is only one success --- to be able to spend your life in your own way. (C. Morley )
We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. ( Martin Luther King, Jr.)
We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. ( M. L. Becker )
If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered. ( AL Jaber )
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. ( Strong)
A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. ( J. Burroughs )
Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ( Carlyle )
At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. ( B. Franklin)
The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. ( T. Carlyle )
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7. 关于健康的名人名言
A good scholar will be a winner.
I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.
Power can conquer all, but it is short.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
事实上 教育 便是一种早期的习惯。
In fact, education is an early habit.
Success is frustrating, and enthusiastic.
I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.
How happy a man is to be happy.
I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.
A person is mature, it should be responsible for his face more.
预测未来最好的 方法 就是去创造未来。
The best way to predict the future is to create the future.
There is no humble occupation, only humble people.
Will come from the two factors of moral feeling and self interest.
A good goal will never come to nothing because of the slow.
Law is to reveal the moral, moral is the hidden law.
Only if you do not talk about others, others will not talk about you.
The best thing in life is the friendship between him and others.
Whatever you want to be, keep your good.
The most important is that at the critical moment to adhere to the principle of.
A person in charge should be responsible for his own face.
I don't care if you fall, I only care about whether you will rise.
If you don't have a choice, be brave enough to face it.
Life is a game, I am willing to death, the action is slow, or retreat.
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than anything else.
Humor is a moisturizer, which prevents me from a lot of friction and pain.
Abolition of slavery, although it is not so easy, but the pursuit of love is more difficult!
平时的学习和 经验 ,是我们在危急关头最有力的支持。
The usual learning and experience, is our most powerful support in critical moment.
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I will take six hours to grind the axe.
The bond of friendship, or will be emotional and tense, but never break.
Freedom to others and the maintenance of their own freedom, both of the same noble cause.
My life experience has convinced me that people who have no faults are less often.
What we care about is not whether you fail or not, but if you have no blame for the failure.
You don't have to blame them, and that's what we're going to do.
Always bear in mind that your determination to succeed is more important than any one thing.
For most people, how happy they are, how happy they are.
People who are willing to wait will have good luck, but they will be left behind by others.
We want to conserve fair character, good habits should form a "casual".
My main concern is not whether you fail, but you are not willing to fail.
Gold is indeed valuable, but full of vitality and brave patriots are more valuable than gold.
Great genius disdain to walk a path of others. He seeks regions hitherto.
You can fool all of the people all of the, also can be in a long time fool some of the people, but not in the long time fool all the people some of the.
Those who do not give others freedom, they should not be free. They are also not able to maintain the freedom in the long run.
Character is like a tree, fame is like a tree. We often consider the shade of the trees, but not the trees.
Would rather be silent, like a fool, but also do not want to easily to say the words, and lost the possibility of doubt.
If you want to persuade a person to trust and obey your position, first of all, let him believe that you are his faithful friend.
Quality is like a big tree, and fame is like a tree. The shade is what we want, and the tree is real.
If a purpose is lawful and necessary, the necessary means to achieve it are also lawful and must be taken.
You can fool some people for a long time, or fool all the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people for a long time.
The height of the fountain does not exceed its source; a man's career is also in the way of his accomplishments.
I don't have to win, but I'm sure I do. I don't have to be successful, but I will hold on to it. I will hold the concept of equality and any honest people together.
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If one day, the things you know are no longer the same as before, don't be surprised, don't be sad, because the things in the world are constantly changing, so it's good to keep your original mind. Follow the natural development, follow the inner guidance.
、把最后一滴汗留给赛场这是我信奉的真理跨越急功近利与一败涂地向前向前我坚信会有奇迹大步前行哪怕远方天寒地冻一如既往终会看到柳暗花明专注并执着沉着而自信我明白自己的生活要让自己发号施令人生如天气时晴时阴不管沿途怎样的风景奔跑的脚步从不停息即使跌倒也有你们再次将我扶起何德何能何其有幸沉舟侧畔却系千帆竞发病树前头仍有万木争春方得始终需不忘初心战斗到最后一刻依然保持 *** 百大球员不是属于我的烙印这一点无可争议但是新闻发布会上我似乎意识到我现在只是世界第八哦,第八那似乎也不是一个太差的成绩不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣个大满贯作者:纳达尔出处:纳达尔赛事采访的有哲理的语录
Leave the last drop of sweat to the arena. This is the truth I believe in. I believe in striding forward in a hurry for quick success, instant gain and defeat. I firmly believe that there will be miracles and strides forward even if the distant sky is cold as ever. I will see willows, dark flowers, bright and dedicated, and self-confident. I know that my life is like the weather, when it is sunny, no matter what kind of scenery along the way, running footsteps never. It's indisputable that even if I fall, you can lift me up once again. How lucky I am to be on the side of the sunken boat but in front of the disease tree of Qianfan Race, there are still thousands of trees competing for spring. It's necessary to never forget the fact that the first battle and the last moment are still passionate and that the top 100 players are not my brand. But at the press conference, I seem to realize that I am only the eighth in the world, and that seems to be the eighth. Not a bad grade. Don't cry over spilled milk. Grand Slam author: Nadal Origin: A Philosophical Quotation from Nadal's Interview
、永远不要忘了,当初你为什么选择做一件事情,你最初的那份干劲,那份 *** ,永远都不要让它减退,如果它正在减退说明你也即将出局。没有什么可以一夜暴富,只有脚踏实地坚持着你才会成功,急功近利的也只会出局。永远保持当初的那份积极和热情。不忘初心,方得始终。作者:船长
Never forget, why did you choose to do something at the beginning, your original energy, passion, never let it fade, if it is fading, you will be out. Nothing can make a fortune overnight. You can only succeed if you keep your feet on the ground. You can only get out if you are eager for quick success and instant benefit. Always keep the original enthusia *** and enthusia *** . Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Author: Captain
Gradually, I found that since then, I have maintained a sense of awe for many things, whether familiar or unfamiliar, which made me miss a lot and changed a lot. Until now, it has become the present situation. Now, how contradictory I am, looking at its face everywhere, thinking about living for myself, but my body is beyond my control. The future is uncertain. Sometimes, I can't tell whether I am cowardly or broad-minded. Whenever I meet such a person, I try to replace everything with silence, because all words can not change each other's inherent vision. Now let me say one more thing, then use my humility to test, how is the heart of the world? Although I have already guessed the result, it is just a little comfort for myself. Fluctuating heart, also slowly recover, only a trace of warmth, but also completely replaced by cold, do not forget the first heart.
Love begins with an eye and ends with an endless sky. We have gone through many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we have gone through many warm and cold. Still be able to maintain a simple mind, always yearning for the beauty of life. In the deepest part of life, I am always convinced that the most beautiful realm of life is Qinghuan! Author: Lin Qingxuan's Origin: The most beautiful thing in life is Qinghuan.
In fact, sometimes it's really bothersome. It's always easy to be in a very frightened state. You don't know when you'll be free and easy to fall off. You hate the way you are always reserved. You wish you had no heart and no lung. You know a lot of truth, you can easily see through many ridiculous camouflages, but you need to raise your mouth like a wood, keep your mind unchanged between laughter and abuse, deep-rooted, and then prosperous.
Maybe we are all the passers-by of each other. Nothing is impossible, and life is still going on? In that case, let's keep our minds and face the sunshine with our heads held high. Life will be more colorful than looking back at our shadow.
Love or career. Personal or marriage. There is a truth, that is, "Never forget the beginning, you must always". This initial intention does not refer to the past. I think it's the most precious vision in our hearts. Keep that innocence, kindness and love as much as possible, even if things change again and people change again. Encourage people who feel the same way.
Now there are many new combinations, such as, but I want to say: they clearly set out to defeat, hoping that the four-leaf grass to maintain their original heart.
No matter how many grievances you have experienced, how many pains you have suffered, how many betrayals you have carried, you will live with your brows open, your heart full and peaceful, your personality clear and open-minded, occasionally pretentious but not pretentious, poisonous tongue not bitter and bitter, not complaining about heaven and especially people, not bitter and hateful, sincere to everyone, keep your original heart, and find a better coast.
People's minds are too complex, you just keep your original mind. She left because you are not the same people. You will meet more partings in the future. You just have to face up to your efforts bravely as you are today.
If you want to be a better person, you will never forget your first heart. You have to be a good girl with a rich and peaceful heart, keep pure white, read and think, and be able to blend in with noise and enjoy peace. Before you become a better person, everything is a test for you. You want to be a better person, while time is still in, while the face is not old.
Keeping your mind is probably the most difficult thing in the world, but it's the one thing I want to do most.
Be yourself like this: not delicate, not pretentious, not sad, not bowing your head. Always keep a heart, so good!!!
No matter how I change in the future, I will keep my first heart and leave it to my loved ones.
Keep your heart open, regardless of age. Everyone has a child in his heart. That's our most innocent time.
In my spare time, I look through the album, laughter and laughter of the past. I can't help but remember that the picture of the past is now in the big dye vat where the flowers have faded and become clouds and *** oke. I don't know that we are not as innocent and innocent as we were in the past. Initial heart
After all, there are so few good things in the world that you can get without paying, even at sunrise, you need to sacrifice sleep. If you want to be in good shape, you have to keep exercising. If you want to live well, you have to keep working hard. Wherever you go, may you never forget your first heart.
Don't feel lonely and lonely just because someone left. Who can tell you how to survive, but there won't be a better future. Maybe the people you like will like you in the future. Maybe you think the people you never see will appear in front of you in the next second and keep your heart at ease.
The most important thing is to really do something to make your heart happy. A child fell, cried and made a noise. The next day he was happy and continued to play with you without any psychological shadow. Perhaps the happiest thing is to return to the so-called children's original heart, keep childlike curiosity about all things, face the difficulties of the future, although afraid, but can forget it, and then wipe a runny nose, wipe a tear to continue to move forward. Author: Fu Sheng
Years, though cruel, you are still a cinnabar in my heart. Dare not say afterlife, only say this life, never fail you. All women who keep their first heart will be touched by love. Author: The origin of Taotao Round: Left but cold
Looking back on our own age, we were still a half-year-old child, occasionally playing petty, and playing pet with our parents. There seems to be no other trouble except for the trifles of youth and the frustrations of study. Wang Junkai, a teenager who has just entered high school, suffers from not only the pressure of growing upset, but also the complexity of the entertainment industry. This is a red-and-white world, many even *** s are unavoidable to miss, but Wang Junkai proved with his actions that this innocent teenager still maintained his original intention, as it was first seen, young age has such a measurement, tolerance of malicious injuries, tolerance of the whole world.
The meaning of life is in your own hands. If your heart is not shaken by the temptation of the outside world, then you will still be able to maintain yourself and restore your original heart, regardless of the passage of time and the changes of time. Author: Grandma Moses: Life is only once, do what you like.
How many people can always keep that first heart? Not to keep it, just not to lose it. The road ahead is long, and I will guard you through.
Ten years later, I also want to keep the name "Zhu Dieyuan" like Annie. Maintain some kind of primordial heart one summer many years ago.
Fashion can not save life, it can not change the fate of the arrangement, but it can save you, so that you can maintain self-confidence even in adversity, when the essence of life shows a dark side, the care for appearance will glow with dignity, which is a brave and noble way of life. Fashion can not save life, it can not change the fate of the arrangement, I have always reminded myself: the more impetuous around, the more we should adhere to. Practicing in books and shadows is an early lesson every day. Others see or don't see, love or don't love, your first heart can't be changed. It's through narrow doors. The road is *** all, and there are few people in the same company. You know that for a long time.
No matter how thorny the road of the future is, always keep a heart that will not be eroded by life. It's beautiful and picturesque. It's a hot sunshine that people can't refuse if they want to do something interesting.
Youth, eventually will pass away; the pace, never stop, keep running posture, never forget the first heart, you must always.
For many years, we have not forgotten our original intention in dealing with life and things, and maintained our original curiosity. Perhaps it is this attitude that has kept us young for many years. Author: Xu Qing
The most precious and difficult thing in the world is to keep a childlike innocent and kind heart.